Are Trade Shows Worth Your Time & Money?

I routinely participate in various trade shows that range in size and locations. 

Having participated in many trade shows in the past, I prep myself mentally as to how I am going to engage people in conversation in the hope that there might be some business to be secured.  

In this case, I was fairly confident that I would have some level of success in terms of product sales, but what really surprised me was the opportunities that the 1 1/2 day event created for my business…even though I had to pay $400 for my 10′ x 10′ spot, fuel costs to drive to the venue, hotel and meals!

One tends to forget that actual consumers themselves work for companies that might be interested in the products that you sell.

In this case, I met two business owners that wanted to carry my product in their own business.

One was a small garage owner that recognized the brand as a market leader and he knew that it would lead to additional business for his business if he carried the product that I was selling.

The other, was the General Manager of an Automotive parts store that had 4 retail locations within 50 miles of the head office store.  He had often been asked by potential buyers whether they carried the product I am representing and he has always had to turn them away. 

Not knowing how to even find a rep…he happened to find me at this trade show and we struck up a great conversation which ended in him asking me to follow up with him the following week.

So, do you think I will recoup the money I spent on this trade show experience?  Most definitely!! 

However, be warned.  Not all trade shows are created equally.  Do your research as to what type of consumer they are attracting and will it help your business?

There are many helpful hints about Trade-Shows and how to prepare for them on Google. 



Just recently, I participated in a Snowmobile Trade Show in Vernon, BC.  

Having participated in many trade shows in the past, I prep myself mentally as to how I am going to engage people in conversation in the hope that there might be some business to be secured.  

In this case, I was fairly confident that I would have some level of success in terms of product sales, but what really surprised me was the opportunities that the 1 1/2 day event created for my business...even though I had to pay $400 for my 10' x 10' spot, fuel costs to drive to the venue, hotel and meals!

One tends to forget that actual consumers themselves work for companies that might be interested in the products that you sell.

In this case, I met two business owners that wanted to carry my product in their own business.

One was a small garage owner that recognized the brand as a market leader and he knew that it would lead to additional business for his business if he carried the product that I was selling.

The other, was the General Manager of an Automotive parts store that had 4 retail locations within 50 miles of the head office store.  He had often been asked by potential buyers whether they carried the product I am representing and he has always had to turn them away. 

Not knowing how to even find a rep...he happened to find me at this trade show and we struck up a great conversation which ended in him asking me to follow up with him the following week.

So, do you think I will recoup the money I spent on this trade show experience?  Most definitely!! 

However, be warned.  Not all trade shows are created equally.  Do your research as to what type of consumer they are attracting and will it help your business?

There are many helpful hints about Trade-Shows and how to prepare for them on Google. 

However, if performing this type of sales is not something that interests you and you would rather use the power of the internet to find customers, follow the link below.

I guarantee you will find it beneficial.




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